Tipos de aisladores en líneas aéreas: la guía definitiva

Electrical insulators are safety devices that restrict and separate the flow of voltage to defined areas of a circuit. They are commonly applied to outdoor electrical networks such as public utility lines. Table of Contents1 What is an Electrical Insulator?2 Types of Electrical Insulators2.1 Pin Insulator2.2 Post Insulator2.3 Spool Insulator2.4  Stay Insulator2.5 Suspension Insulator3 Choose […]

Tipos de aisladores en líneas aéreas: la guía definitiva la%

¿El silicio es un buen conductor o aislante de la electricidad?

Pieza de silicio de alta pureza a temperatura ambiente

Pure silicon is a semiconductor, and its properties lie halfway between good conductors and good insulators. It conducts electricity as well behave as an insulator under specific configurations and environmental conditions. Piece of high purity silicon at room temperature Silicon can be doped with other elements to raise or drop conductivity according to different applications.

¿El silicio es un buen conductor o aislante de la electricidad? la%

¿Qué es la galvanización por inmersión en caliente? ¿Cómo funciona? - La guía definitiva


Steel is a valuable material widely used in the construction and engineering industries. Steel is durable, versatile, and inexpensive, but It is prone to corrosion, especially in outdoor environments. People tried to develop solutions for long-term savings, and they began to coat steel by dipping it in molten zinc after cleaning it. They used ‘Galvanization’

¿Qué es la galvanización por inmersión en caliente? ¿Cómo funciona? - La guía definitiva la%

Pruebas en herrajes para postes: 3 consejos que debes conocer antes de realizar un pedido

torre electrica

When buying pole hardware, such as pole line hardware, steel cross arm, fastener, ADSS accessories, insulator, or power fitting, your concern should be about quality. The hardware should be of high quality so that it can serve its purpose well. A quality pole line fitting also tends to be durable. It will serve you for long.

Pruebas en herrajes para postes: 3 consejos que debes conocer antes de realizar un pedido la%

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